

Tour: Phoenix Estate Garden

Saguaro and Shadows
Compass Barrel

Common name:Saguaro
Botanical name:Carnegiea gigantea

Large cactus that grows very slowly to 20' x 10' or larger. Consider mature size. Medium green ribs lined with gray spines. Large showy white flowers appear in late spring followed by red fruits. Fruits are enjoyed by birds. Accepts reflected sun. Consider mature size when planing. The signature plant of Arizona. Native to the Sonoran Desert.

Compass Barrel

Common name:Compass Barrel
Botanical name:Ferocactus cylindraceus

Globe-shaped cactus grows slowly to 2' x 1-1/2'. Stem is medium green and spines are red/yellow. Flowers are yellow to orange and apper late spring to early summer. Good for naturalistic landscapes. Accepts reflected sun. Native to Sonoran and Mojave deserts.


Saguaro and Shadows
Image: 3 of 12

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Group plants with similar watering needs in the same area.