
Plants by Common Name

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Penstemon baccharifolius 'Del Rio'

Rock Penstemon

Dicliptera resupinata

Rock Slide Dicliptera

Penstemon strictus

Rocky Mountain Penstemon

Malephora lutea

Rocky Point Ice Plant

Aster praealtus

Rodney's Aster

Eucalyptus rhodantha

Rose or Small Mallee

Rosmarinus officinalis


Rosmarinus off. 'Collingwood Ingram'

Rosemary Collingwood Ingram

Rosmarinus off. 'Huntington Carpet'

Rosemary Huntington Carpet

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Tuscan Blue'

Rosemary Tuscan Blue

Wedelia hispidia 'Devil's River'

Rough Daisy Devil's River

Agave scabra

Rough-Leafed Agave

Nolina texana

Sacahuista, The Devil's Shoestring

Salvia farinacea  'Texas Violet'

Sage Texas Violet

Cycas revoluta

Sago Palm

Carnegiea gigantea


Yucca grandiflora


Oenothera stubbei

Saltillo Evening Primrose

Bougainvillea 'San Diego Red'

San Diego Red Bougainvillea

Gossypium harknessii

San Marcos Hibiscus

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